Add to /etc/dhcpcd.conf
interface wlan0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers=
Power off HDMI ports
/bin/tvservice -o
Installing and configuring ZNC
sudo apt-get install znc
znc --makeconf
Making it start at boot
crontab -e
# Add "@reboot znc" to the end
Has a Web interface for configuration
Add and connect to ZNC server
/server add rpi <sbc_ip_address>/<znc_port> -username=user -password=pass -ssl -autoconnect /save /connect rpi
Set up SSL fingerprint
cat ~/.znc/znc.pem |\
openssl x509 -sha512 -fingerprint -noout |\
tr -d ':' | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | cut -d = -f 2
Installation script
curl -sSL | bash
Change admin password
pihole -a -p
Has a easy to use web interface